CDC Pitch & Process
A pitch with Gentleman Scholar I had really lot of pleasure to work on for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
I'm going to show you the different parts that have been created during this 4 days pitch.
First the characters research & development, I created two sets with a different styles: one more simple with minimalist faces, limited and muted colors. The others, more defined in the details, with the integrations of patterns and shadows.
Based on these characters, I did some explorations for the expressions, to show how far we could go for the characters more minimalist versus the others.
Come then the development of the style frames. The first set of characters was chosen to go further. Creating also some typography that needed to be integrated.
More style frames, this time we tried to see how it would look with some shadows.
Final step: a breakdown to show how the transitions between the different scenes would work. In this case, objects would scale down, scale up, and morph into the objects of the new scene. Characters would appear or slide into the next frame.
Additional Illustrations
Studio : Gentleman Scholar | CDC | 2019